Hotel Helka
Lifeof2men blogger’s LGBTQ friendly Hotel Helka in Helsinki Finland.
Hotel Helka is for sure equal and welcoming hotel for LGBTQ+ people in Finland. Helka is very active in social media and expressing its opinion in equality issues, not just about sexuality but also when it comes to women’s rights or other matters concerning diversity and inclusivity in Finland and in the world. More information can be found from their blog.
Hotel Helka is the hotel for responsibility, diversity and inclusion in Helsinki. During the last few years Helka has been a pioneer in Finland talking about these values and also making them visible through actions and communications. Helka has a long history but at the same time a very modern way of thinking and caring. Helka is building a better tomorrow.
We spent our wedding night in the hotel when we got married as the first gay couple in Finland on the fist of March 2017. We really felt the support and excitement of the Helka personnel and we definitely feel that Helka is a gay friendly hotel.
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 23, Helsinki
+358 9613580