Serlachius Museums
LGBTQ friendly Seriachius Museums
Are you a lover of art & design, looking for a unique place far from mass-tourism, but still classy? Multi-awarded Serlachius Museums got it: a hidden gem in the middle of nowhere, but still reachable within an hour from Tampere. We offer high-quality service for everyone, national art treasures, intriguing stories, contemporary art exhibitions, stunning architecture and top cuisine in the midst of beautiful lakeside nature. No wonder that Serlachius was chosen as one of the top sights in Finland (Lonely Planet). The shuttle bus from Tampere to Art Town Mänttä & Serlachius runs around the year taking you right in the heart of art!
Joenniementie 47, Mänttä – R. Erik Serlachiuksen katu 2, Mänttä
+358 3 4886800