We Speak Gay is a Community of LGBTQ+ friendly companies, events and destinations. We stand together against homophobia, transphobia and all kind of discrimination. We are working for a safer and more inclusive society. Here is the list of all the members and partners in the community.
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Radisson Blu Oulu
”Radisson Blu Hotel, Oulu boasts an ideal location close to the city's most popular attractions, restaurants, and shopping areas. Situated just 14 kilometers from the Oulu Airport and a 10-minute walk from the Oulu Train Station.
SPAHotel Kasnäs
Spa Hotel Kasnäs is a family-owned resort on Kimitoön, the third largest island in Finland. Kasnäs itself is a small island that offers everything for a memorable holiday, year-round.
Söderlångvik Manor
Söderlångvik Manor tells the intriguing story of Amos Anderson. He was a patron of arts and owned the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet.
Event Centre Satama
Event Centre Satama is a brand new venue in the City Port of Kotka. Architecturally unique Satama Arena with the professional staff and flexible spaces welcomes visitors to various events: concerts, exhibitions, meetings, seminars, trade fairs, corporate / private events and many more.
Visit Kokkola
Visit Kokkola harjoittaa kotimaanlaivaliikennettä M/S Jennyllä ja majoitustoimintaa Tankarin majakkasaarella. Yhtiö toimii myös kokoustilojen välittäjänä Kokkolassa. Yhtiö on matkanjärjestäjä, joka kehittää, tuottaa, myy ja markkinoi alueen matkailupalveluita.
Visit Liminka
Visit Liminka on Limingan kunnan matkailutoiminnan markkinointinimi. Kunta käynnisti vuonna 2023 käynnistyneen Minun Liminkani on minun näköiseni -kampanjan, jonka tavoitteena oli aluksi tuoda tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuussuunnitelman sisältöjä paremmin työntekijöiden tietoisuuteen.
Visit Raahe
Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla Perämeren rannikolla toimivan Visit Raahen tehtävänä on kasvattaa Raahen seutukunnan matkailun tunnettuutta kotimaisilla ja kansainvälisillä matkailumarkkinoilla.
Visit Oulu
Visit Oulu on Oulun seudun matkailumarkkinoinnin asiantuntijaorganisaatio, jonka tehtävänä on houkutella matkailijoita Ouluun luoden lisää myynnin mahdollisuuksia paikallisille yrityksille ja siten hyvinvointia alueen asukkaille.
Restaurant Viides Näyttämö
Viides näyttämö (The Fifth Stage) is Turku City Theatre’s own restaurant in the sunny riverside of Aurajoki. It provides fusion kitchen and a bar for the theatre visitors, locals and tourists.
Archipelago Sea Jazz is a new, internationally appealing and ambitious festival series, built around the unique attraction of the archipelago and high-quality jazz music. It combines two new festivals, Turku Sea Jazz and Åland Sea Jazz with two well established festivals Baltic Jazz and Korpo Sea Jazz.
Maritime Centre Vellamo
Maritime Centre Vellamo is an attraction open all-year round and well worth a visit to see the amazing architecture both indoors and outdoors. Vellamo houses the Maritime Museum of Finland and the Kymenlaakso Museum, which present the tales of the sea and the local region through exhibitions praised by people of all ages and abilities.
Naawa – Nature Awakening
Naawa – Nature Awakening offers you unique outdoor experiences in the beautiful Finnish archipelago outside of Turku. Whether You’re looking for exciting outdoor activities, relaxing forest walks or something for the whole family, Naawa can show You the best sides of the Finnish archipelago.
Korppoo Kajakbod
Korpo Kajakbod offers kayaks and SUP-boards for rent and organizes guided kayaking tours for smaller groups. Want to experience the beautiful archipelago at a slow pace and close to the water?
Rautio Sports Surf Center
Finland’s biggest surf center is located in Kalajoki. It is run by Rautio Sports and has been open since spring 2011. Surf Center serves windsurfers, kitesurfers and stand up paddlers offering beginners’ courses, rental equipment, and equipment testing.
Café Tiirikkala
Cafe Tiirikkala is located by one of the oldest squares in Turku. You can drop in for a coffee or cocktail. There is also live music performances in Tirikkala on a regular basis.
Visit Pori
Visit Pori on Porin kaupungin matkailu- ja markkinointiyksikkö, jonka tehtäviin kuuluvat matkailun alueorganisaationa toimiminen, matkailu-, asukas- ja yritysmarkkinointi sekä tapahtumajärjestäjien tukeminen ja tapahtumahankinta.
Visit Kalajoki
Visit Kalajoki on Kalajoen matkailumarkkinointi- ja asiantuntijaorganisaatio, jonka tehtävänä on edistää Kalajoen upean matkailukeskuksen vetovoimaa.
Finland is one of the safest and most LGBTQIA friendly countries in the world. The legislation in the country does not accept any kind of discrimination based on sexuality or gender. On these pages we are presenting Finland and Finnish companies and events that are welcoming to LGBTQIA people.